I finally got to work on my custom trigger guard for my Airforce Condor. This mount will allow me to attach any of the AR-15 pistol grips. I bought a Hogue Mono Grip which is rubber and super comfortable. I plan on replacing the stock pistol grip with this one. This is not a new idea. I got the idea off of the Talon Airgun site. I appears that many people do this and I thought it would be cool to make my own version.

You can see how it will fit in the picture above however I still have to drill the mounting holes and mill some slots for the trigger and safety. I also plan on powder coating them flat black so they will match the gun.

Here are some pictures of the CNC cutting out the parts. It’s pretty cool watching it go. I will post pictures of the completed trigger guard installed on the gun later this week. I am working a lot of hours this week so I may not have a lot of time to play in my basement like I usually do.

The CNC is taking 0.050 inch every time it goes around the contour shape. Its about 0.500 thick so it has to take 10 passes. I think it took 2hrs to cut one out at about 2 inch per min feed. I can go faster but I did not want any surprises to why not go slow?
I’ll post more pictures later this week.

I finished the mount and bolted it to the gun. It fits nice so far. I had to buy some shorter cap screws for clearance reasons. I hope to powder coat it black this weekend.

Are you sell it? how much if so…..
Please, tell me that you can make me one of this please!
Id like one also
send me an e-mail if your up to making me one
Your grip adapter looks amazing. Great job. Only one problem I can see. No price?? 🙂 They look way better than the other versions I’ve seen. I would love to put one on my condor. Please e-mail me a price.
Thank You.
I want one to.
What is the price for grip adapter,i am in the Ar15 tactical bussiness if you need any kind of Accessories we will deliver that in US.Please check my website AR-15tactical.com and AR-15 Accessories
Looks good can you shoot me a price with grip I need one
I have never considered selling them. I only made the one.
I have an airforce condor I found this old post about you making adaptors to fit an AR grip do you still sell them?
Well, I guess it comes as no surprise that people liked it and want to know if you would offer them for sale, huh? LOL I like how it changed the look of the Condor. It looks more complete with your adapter on it.
Great work, congratulations. I wish if you were selling them. Is it possible to send the drawings to my email? I also do some parts for my Condor myself and I can try to do it.
Especially I need the dimensions of the part which hold the AR15 grip.
Best regards and greetings from Istanbul, Turkey.
Your grip adapter looks amazing. Great job. could you get back to me with a price?? Please e-mail me a.s.a.p i would really like to get one for my talon let me know thanks
Email: bostonbeetdown@gmail.com
Pretty cool grip. I bet you could make all sorts of things with that machine. As everyone is asking. What are they going for?
AR15 Builder
what other parts do u do for the talon etc…plz email
This is some superb work my friend. I have never been an avid airgunner by any means, but I do love AR-15’s and have been building and operating them for years. I can’t wait until I can afford to get a nice CNC set-up and manufacture some of my own AR-15 accessories as well. Props on the Hogue grip, one of the most ergonomic and slip resistant AR 15 grips on the market!
Looks great. Can I buy one?
This is a brilliant piece of work, well done! Please please please consider either selling these or selling me the plans so that I can get one made up.
I feel kinda dumb to ask like every one else….
but, please email me a price.
Do you still make these. If so what is the price.
Let me know if you are selling this adapter .Please send me an email.
wow…. really cool
Can you please email a price if you are selling this thank you for your time
Hello sir,
I’m about to purchase a new Condor SS and was wondering if, you would care to make one for me. If so, please give me a price.
Thanks in advance, for your consideration & MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Kindest regards,
Dale Brunelle
Aloha, are you selling these yet? If not there is this guy Adam Vigil making and selling these.
Otto Cheyenne Joao
Mike can I talk you out of selling a trigger guard. Thanks
Mike , can I talk you out of selling a trigger guard?
Link to buy?
I really need this thing…pls email me back..
Just saw this post!!! Do you make them to sell them? if so, how much???
Please email me, richardm74@gmail.com.
Thank you!
I need on please and thank you .I have a condor non ss love this look legit.
Do you have a cad file for this?